Friday, December 17, 2010

`Site Announcement

Hey ya'll! Hope everyone is doing well and on holiday break (or close to it!) Us trainees are in Niamey today for Site Announcement. It has been a very exciting day. I AM GOING TO MARADI! Ya this is where I wanted to be. I love the city of Maradi and all the volunteers there that I've met so far. I am in a town that has both a health center and a primary school; all the things I asked for. My village has approximately 5,000 people. More details to come!! For now, safe travels homeeeee for the holidays everyone! Check out this awesome blog from a fellow trainee in the meantime:


  1. Looking forward to learning where you will be Posted Ali, and crossing our fingers that the village will be a good distance off of the goudrone and that you will have many Fulani neighbors!

  2. Hey Alison,
    I'm glad to hear that you are pleased with your site assignment. Does this mean that you will be in Maradi for the duration of your time and that the new address you listed is replacing the other address? If so, I will pass it along to the family and people at school. On your next post could you list a few items you would like or things you need. Sarah got home a few hours ago,we will get another package in the mail on tomorrow or Monday. I LOVE YOU!!! Mom

  3. Alison,

    Sarah emailed me your blog address and I will forward it to Jill, Lucien, Marielle and Genevieve.

    What great stories! I read the water gathering story and thought it would only be fair if they had required YOU to wear snow shoes or a couple of ski poles when they asked you to do it to make it a fair test for THEM to see your full capabilities! I am sure they are learning by now that you are a very exceptional and determined young lady. The commitment and sacrifice you are making is unmatched in the world.

    Be careful! Keep in mind that it is better to be safe than sorry. Form a buddy system, jog with a partner... there is strength in numbers. Most importantly, be safe.

    Post some things you need, so we can send it over.

    I look forward to more stories.


    Uncle Darrell
