Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good News

Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the winter weather! I have two exciting bits of news:
1. I have a phone. YAAAA all of the staff and volunteers are now on a float plan so that we can all text and call each other. Great for security purposes and to provide support to each other. Calling from the US, my number is: 227-987-000-71. Try calling me on Skype or GoogleVoice. I heard that GoogleVoice is a bit cheaper per minute but I'm not sure what service is better. We'll have to test it out.
2. This Thursday, we have a large ceremony called Swear-In where we become official Peace Corps Niger volunteers. At the ceremony, a lot of people talk, including three people from our stage. One to give a speech in French, one in Hausa and one in Zarma. Guess who was voted to be the Hausa speaker? THIS GAL! Ya I'm pumped. It'll be interesting. I've written most of it but it will be interesting to address people when I'm still working on pronouncing most of the words :) Ya I'm pumped though!
So ya I'm going to charge my phoney phone and will be waiting for all of your calls! Heart, Alison

 Christmas tree with secret santa presents under it. Please note the drawn tree + ornaments, Charlie Brown tree and recycled package boxes used to wrap the gifts. :)

"The Joys of Christmas" blackboard

Dec. 26. Host family fete, last night in Hamdallye before moving back to the training site.

Dec. 26. Host family after we gave them presents.

Dec. 26. Petite Razaac with soccer ball we gave him for the salla=celebration.
I will really miss that little guy.


  1. Yahoo!!! A PHONE!!! As soon as I get home I'll put some more $ on my Skpye account and then I will call you. LOVE,MOM

  2. Alison. Happy Holidays to you. The photos are fantastic. Jeremy if off to Africa on the 3rd of January. He loves it there too. Stays on a compound and works to help with carbon credits and also helping to provide jobs for the local people in their clothing manufacturer. He is very proud of the work that he does for the environment and to pay a living wage to those who work hard. I know that you are doing good work there as well and forming friendships that you will never forget.
