Sunday, December 11, 2011

15 novembre 2011

only in my life right here right now will the following things happen:

-I was "cadeau"-ed some little plastic plates from a volunteer friend who is shortly leaving after her two years on service. The plates were on a side table next to the entrance of my house. Little Nini spotted the plates and asked for one. I told her I would trade it for something; ten oranges. She went off running with her friend, Oumoul, and brought back ten ripe oranges from a tree next to her house. I gave her the plate.


-Cell phone service is sketchy or nonexistent here. My cellphone is sketchy or not working. My SIM card is disfunctional. I needed to make an important phone call to one of my bosses to discuss an upcoming project, so I went to the local little store where I usually get credit transferred onto my phone. I beeped (cell phone lingo for when someone doesn't have much credit on their phone, you "beep" someone and they see you're calling but don't have a lot of credit so they call you back) my boss and she called me back. Of course this little shop (where this is random sketchy service outside behind the door) is right on the main road. As I am on the phone having this important call about my funding proposal and project, a huge tractor-trailer truck squeaks to a stop right in front of the store and the people start fixing the brakes/axels/god-knows-what. As all the racket and rumble are continuing in front of me, my boss is continuning to talk. Finally the truck leaves and I just politely ask her to send all the info to me in an email "so I won't forget"....slash so I can hear it for the first time.

-giardia. again. Don't get me wrong, I have been very fortunate health-wise here. I haven't gotten really sick and 95% of the time I feel great. But that other 5% of the time....ya, I need to be more careful about what street food I eat. Does giardia live in bush milk aka unpasteurized yummy yogurt that I've been consuming lately? I've been here for ten months now, and as time goes on, my strictness on what I consume and when I consume (as in medium rare or well-done) has definetly lessened. Maybe I should start my strict diet over again....but the bush milk is soooo good.

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